212-777-7990 (text/voice)


Mon - Fri: 11AM - 7:30PM. Sat-Sun: 11AM - 7PM

Take back your time from brow pencils, and have the perfect look at all times, without the daily effort.


NiceBrow's Signature Brows

NiceBrow's Signature Brows is a semi-permanent makeup (aka. microblading) combination technique by deposit pigments into the epidermis. Because we’re impacting color closer to the surface, the strokes appear crisp and very fine. There is no “spilling” under the skin. 

This method is ideal for anyone wanting to enhance the look of their eyebrows. The results are natural looking, hair-like strokes, regardless of the amount of hair present.


Perfect Lashlines

For those of us who have been let down by every powder, pencil, and gel we’ve tried from Sephora, the treatment can also be applied to the eye lids around the eyes to achieve your perfect lashlines.


Sexy Lips

Semi-permanent makeup/microblading can be applied to the lips. This procedure is designed to define lips, not to create volume or puffiness. It gives the appearance that they are more defined and adds youthful color.

Hydrating Facial

Hydrating Facial

Facial is essential necessity to preserve the youthful skin. This procedure removes the blackheads and dirts embedded on the surface of the face so that it does not become a permanent mark or mole.